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Onderdeelnummer: 30031730 ?

(English name: Flag, narrow pennant with clips (flat, not wavy))
Kleur : Black 0f
Gewicht: 2 g
Afmeting: 6.5000 x 2.0000 x 0.6000 cm

Niet beschikbaar
Playmobil© 30031730
Non-divisible part(checked against used set/loose parts door admin)

Delen met dezelfde vorm (Detailed list)

30031730s1Playmobil 30031730s1
(Flag, narrow pennant with clips (flat, not wavy) (with castle sticker))
2 beschikbaar
30031730s2Playmobil 30031730s2
(Flag, narrow pennant with clips (flat, not wavy) (with red cross sticker))
2 beschikbaar
30031280v0Playmobil 30031280v0
(Flag, narrow pennant with clips (flat, not wavy))
Laatste update: Monday, 29 April 2024 22:22